Sitting in front of the lappie, trying to figure out what should i do today.. Browsing around as usual.. Reading the news of an affair between football player.. Hmm, interesting.. Suddenly, a vibrate from my phone (For those who didn't know, my hp cacat ady..which is boo hoo TT) Well, never mind.. So it was a message.. Opened and read it.. Well it's nothing.. It's just a merely good morning and "kisses".. Arh.. Boring.. Will be another dull conversation.. Hmm.. Let's start something interesting, some thing that curious me for a long time..
" I have stg to ask u" " What is it?" "The time we be together, do you with some1 else" "No." "R u sure?" "Yes." "You will never know.." "what happened?" "Nothing happened except a liar try to lie" "Are you saying about me? I dont" "Who cares.. Don't ever get me started wit the msn" "What msn? What are you talking about?" "I love you x" "don't misunderstood, shes just my ex.. i don't love her.." "Arh..whatever.. All i want to know is yes or no" "Im sorry" "Alrite thats all"
Throwing the phone to the bed, damnation, why the feeling is so sulky.. Thought that everything going to be ok, thought that im not going to care.. But my goddamn tears are streaming down my cheek.. Lying on the bed, with the phone non-stop vibrating beside, i feel like want to throw it to the wall.. Thanks god, i still rational enough.. Ignore all the messages, the call and the face that i come to miss.. Cover myself with the blanket, screaming in the pillow.. Its the scream of anguish, its the scream of devastating.. Surprisingly enough, i still able to hear the sound of the broken heart.. Unfaithful.. Unfaithful.. Unfaithful.. And i dozed off minutes later..
Woke up, with 40 calls 16 messages.. 37 is from him and 3 is from my friend.. Feel so not in mood to talk.. Feel like a creepy zombie with a shallow eyes.. Call back my friend and ask her reason of calling me.. She said to me ur ex look like someone.. Goddamn it! Why cant i just get rid of him.. "LOok like who?" "XXX from XXX" Well, that time i was not interested he looks like who, i just want to off the phone and caged myself.. Luckily enough, my friend say she is busy now.. Sigh of relief..
7stg still browsing around in the internet.. want to talk with someone but couldn't find anymore.. I'm not boring.. it's just that my empty heart make the life become dull.. The impregnable will try to withstand my vulnerable heart.. Finally i come to a place where i'm defeated..
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