Due to Deepavali, college grant us an extra holiday. Thought that it would be fun because i don't have to wake so early, but it turn out to be so boring! dead boring! Wake up at 9.30 this morning, trying to figure it out what to do today. Decided to do notes on Criminal court. Not now, but later. Opened the laptop, as usual, browsing around. My room was too quiet, need some music to wake me up from my drowsiness, blast the music. Dance with the music, crap, my dancing was so ugly, need to sign up for lesson soon. Forget it. Looking at the phone, wonder if there got any MC or message, no, no message n mc. Never mind.
11 something went to Market to buy food. It's a long distance from my house, have to walk, so i put on my ipod, blast the music again. Cloud is getting darker, hope that the rain won't fall, if not i would be so dead meat!
Start my revision at 2 something, wonder what took me so long? Ask facebook then! Done my note at 3 something, yawning, oh shit, i was sleepy. Never mind, sleep for a while, still got time. Wake at 6.15pm, my god, i sleep for 3 hours.
Feel like want to call somebody, searching the contact list, Alice hwa(my sis)- aih, nothing to chat. Melodii cheang- She is busy at this time, urm, no, is all the time. J.xiang- Aih, not fun gossip on the phone, go back juz find him. Phyllis- Maybe she is also busy now, don't want to disturb her. Kath- Aih, she got way too many thing to tell me, no, not a good choice. 012579xxxx- Should i? No, i shouldn't. "Be rational" Quote by Melodii. Mummy- I guess she is busy with her paperwork, will call her later. Steven Hwa( my bro)- Last night we just talked on the phone.
In the end, no one, put aside my phone, tap..tap..tap(finger tapping the table), what to do? Staring at the Law textbook, blank, open the textbook, still blank. I was in reverie mood, envisage all the possible and impossible thing, i smile, cool. Shaking my head, trying to get rid of the asinine thought, get back to reality, and i sighed.